A Guide to Commercial Ownership in Turkey

Why Do You Need to Buy a House in 2022?

Commercial real estate investment is an investment that has a higher financial return than residential buildings and will yield more in the long run. In general, commercial properties have higher rents and sell for much more than residential properties. It makes the stakes much higher, and what you invest in will matter more. Whether you're looking for simplicity or diversification, commercial property investment will let you take your real estate market knowledge to the next level. Turkey is a gateway to the East and West in the real estate investment market with its rich demographic and economic sources. So, if you want to invest your money into commercial buildings in Turkey, we'll help you with this article.

The Turkish government is currently working for investment in the real estate sector by encouraging investments in the country. The government took some steps, such as exempting the investors from some taxes that are partial and total and granting them exceptional Turkish residence and citizenship if they own property of a certain value.

Conditions required for residency

Possession of a tapu or title deed issued by the Turkish Republic's Immigration Department.

The experience of purchasing an apartment in Turkey is inexpensive, and it is appropriate for the number of people who have enrolled in the tapu.

Keeping the tapu or title deed during the residency renewal process.

To be the same unit or apartment in which you previously got a home.

Papers required for real estate residency

The Notre Office has translated and verified a copy of the passport

Four personal photographs

Registration document for the applicant

Health Insurance

The original Land Registry document

Registration document of the Land Registry

Tax number

Real estate insurance payment document (DASC)

Find the Perfect Commercial to Buy

Get into business with Trem Global property experts today. We will guide you through all the necessary steps to find you the best property for your needs at a competitive price. Look at our portfolio, and feel free to get in touch with us.


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