How to Start a Business in Canada for Foreigners

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It is allowed to start a non-resident business in Canada, but you must meet specific standards. The laws change based on the type of industry and the location where it will be located. You must also complete a residence requirement by presenting a Canadian address to start a business in Canada. It could mean forming a partnership with a Canadian citizen or immigrant and relocating to Canada.


Planning a Business

Many beginners in the business sector may believe that starting a new company requires an invention. And, while this may be crucial in some pioneering industries, most business concepts revolve around modifying existing ideas—or discovering new methods to conduct old things. The first step is developing your business idea. The other option is buying an existing business. The planning involves choosing the ideal location, analyzing the demographic data, and writing a business plan.


Choose the Business Location

It may be done from anywhere globally, and you do not need to be in Canada to incorporate or start a business. You may need a Canadian resident director on the formation for specific jurisdictions, businesses, and provinces. The Canadian resident does not have to own any shares in a company, but they may be required to take on some liability. The region of British Columbia is the only one in Canada that does not require a Canadian resident director.


Obtain Visa

Temporary Resident Visa is for ten years, and it allows multiple entries. For the next ten years, you and your family will be able to visit, enter, and exit Canada freely. It is a crucial phase since it allows you to go to different parts of the country to conduct preliminary research and choose the right spot to incorporate and establish your business in Canada while also relocating your family. To visit Canada, you must have a solid reason.


Apply for an Owner Operator LMIA through ESDC Canada

Even though your business has been established and you can visit Canada, you still do not have the right to work or conduct your business. It is a lengthy procedure with several moving factors. You can't just get a work permit, which permits you to work in Canada without obtaining an ESDC-approved LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment) (Employment and Social Development Canada). The LMIA requirement stems from Canada's need to demonstrate that you will not have a negative influence on the Canadian labor market by working in your company as a foreigner.


Apply for a Work Permit

It's time to apply for your work permit once your owner operator LMIA has been issued by ESDC Canada and you've demonstrated that your firm was founded in Canada and will almost surely have a beneficial impact on the Canadian labor market. In contrast to ESDC, which authorizes LMIA, the work permit application is submitted and processed by Immigration Canada. The approval of your work permit by Immigration Canada could take up to four months (based on current processing timeframes). If you need your work permit in a hurry, you may be able to get it at the Canadian border. The Temporary Resident Visa and Visitor Visa to the United States come in help in this situation.



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