How Will Digital Healthcare Reduce "Anxiety"?

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With the pandemic, 8 in 10 people started to have anxieties about their current health situations. Sixty percent of participants who took part in the research said they gained weight during the pandemic, but they also said they are more mindful of their healthcare routines now. Compared to 2019, the number of people who go to regular check-ups for heart health has doubled. Digital health technologies arose in this time. With the pandemic, the number of individuals who want to be evaluated by communicating with their doctor remotely in basic illnesses has grown. 

Decrease in the Hospital Admissions

While basic illnesses check-ups have grown, there was a slight decrease in the number of doctors and hospital admissions. People began to take better care of themselves at home by making small modifications such as brushing their teeth on a regular basis, exercising, following skincare routines, and so on. The number of people who say "I will go to the hospital/specialist doctor immediately" in daily ailments that do not require emergency intervention has decreased by half compared to 2019.

Artificial Intelligence's Role in Health Sector

The Turkey Health Trends Survey 2021 was carried out in collaboration with Philips and IPSOS to identify trends in the changing health field in Turkey using Covid-19 to measure public health awareness and determine the relationship between technology and health. Doctors' decision-making processes will be aided by artificial intelligence. According to experts, the most significant contributions of artificial intelligence technologies to the health sector have been in making sense of doctors' workflows, reducing their workload, and decreasing the margin of error. Furthermore, it was stated that consultation with doctors via mobile messaging applications, online consultation and therapy services, online appointments, and health data systems will significantly reduce the burden on health services and contribute significantly to the sector.


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