Studying Medicine in Turkey

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Studying abroad is truly an experience of a lifetime when you get to see different cultures, societies, food, and many other things. However, even considering it takes a lot of courage, especially if you want to study a compelling major like medicine.

Turkey is a highly prestigious country in medical schools and high technology operations performed by its skilled doctors. There are things to know about if you want to study in Turkey as a matter of preparing yourself for the application processes.

Requirements to Study Medicine in Turkey

There is generally required documentation that you should submit when applying for medical school as an undergraduate student. They include a high school diploma, a transcript indicating that you have good marks in science classes, a letter of motivation, and a valid passport. Some schools require an IELTS score from the applicants, although it is not the case for every medical school. Additionally, you do not have to know Turkish to study medicine in the country since English is used as the medicine language. But keep in mind that you may have to learn Turkish after the third year in medicine because medical practice starts as the doctor begins seeing patients in the training hospitals. We think you are going to be okay about this as you spent more time in the country and learn the language faster than usual.

The Standard Medical Curriculum in the Country

The total number of years for medicine to be completed in Turkey is 6 years, the first three usually consisting of the theoretical classes and the core of medicine. The other two are clerkship years at the hospital, and the last year is entirely for the internship as a doctor.

Universities to Study Medicine in Turkey

There are many state and private universities in Turkey with a medical school. Here are some of the best ones that you can check out:

·       Ankara University (State)

·       Hacettepe University (State)

·       Medipol University (Private)

·       Atilim University (Private)

·       Istanbul Okan University (Private)

Recognition and Validity of Medicine Degree in the Country

The Turkish education system is compatible with the EU standards, and the medical schools are highly reputable among other international schools. Many international students are getting enrolled every year in medicine in the country’s various universities. You may apply for medical positions in English-speaking countries or continue your medical study in English in such countries.

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