Turkey's Current Investment Landscape

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The business and investment environment in Turkey includes innovative areas of the global economy and is continuously evolving. With a population of 82 million, Turkey is the country with the most dynamic economy in Europe, with an average age of 31. Turkish economy is at the highest level in history with its openness to the world economy.

Turkey is more integrated into the global economy than ever before. Besides, the business culture of Turkish people and Turkish entrepreneurs is open to the rest of the world. The Turkish business world is efficient, flexible, and the capacity of Turkish companies to do business on a global scale is very high.

Turkey exports to almost every country in the world. Turkish companies invest in more than a hundred countries and have achieved successful projects. Especially in recent years, important reforms have been made to improve the business and investment landscape in Turkey. Investors are provided with project-based tax support, employment support, financing support, and ease of permit, allocation, license, and registration.

The country's investment landscape becomes more attractive with the inclusive and alternative incentive mechanism offered according to investment location, amount, and sector. In recent years, the increase in the interest of Asian countries in Turkey has also brought about diversification in the international investor profile.

Under the Foreign Direct Investment Law, foreign investors in Turkey are treated equally with domestic investors. Turkey's strategic location, large domestic market with high consumption, favorable investment environment, incentives, ease of export, and low-cost efficient labor offer investors attractive opportunities. Besides, the flexibility and incentives of the tax system provide a great advantage for investors.

In addition to existing supports, great opportunities are given for specific projects within the scope of the country's priorities. Investments in innovative, R&D-intensive, and high-value-added sectors that can meet the current or future critical needs of the country, ensuring supply security, reducing external dependency, realizing technological transformation are considered operations with high potential. In this context, energy technologies, medical technologies, electric-electronics, logistics, petrochemistry, biotechnology, automotive, rail transport, information and communication technologies, defense industry and space technologies, agricultural industry technologies, and R&D sectors stand out.

Efforts are underway to attract more investments from all over the world to Turkey.

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