Which Sectors Should You Invest In Turkey?

Why Do You Need to Buy a House in 2022?

Instead of consuming the already existing income, saving it for investments in order to bring about more income is a method preferred by many foreign investors. The investments one make to double their income, sometimes returns with a really high profit rate. Good investment is the one that provides the highest possible profit to the investor. In order to make a good investment, first you should know about the sectors. With its always developing economy, Turkey is an irrevocable source for foreign investors. We share below detailed information about some of the sectors to invest in Turkey;

Stock Market

Stock Market is the name given to the market where transactions take place through a broker agent. In order to be successful at this market, you should possess patience, experience, knowledge and some specific strategies. The investment made in the stock market usually loses its value. In the fluctuating stock market, investing in several areas and in several companies and gathering information about them is very important.

Seeking profit over only one company or one stock is going to be redundant for the investor. As stock market has a wide spectrum, if you do not have enough information about the area you are going to invest in, you might not get the profit you were aiming for. Choice of those who really have information about what they are doing and experienced, stock market provides investors high incomes.

Being high risk compared to real estate sector, stock market is often fluctuating.

Precious Metals (Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium) 

Precious metals is the name given to gems of a certain quality standard. Investors investing in these metals usually rely on the solid and reliable nature of them. Low risk precious metal investments performs as a stable in the global economy. While investing in precious metals, what matters is expertise, similar to stock market. Gold’s always leading place in the investment ranks, makes the blonde gem the most valuable investment instrument amongst all precious metals.

While emtia is an alternative name for these precious metals, you can make your investment through stock market and through forex aside from investing by hand. Like real estate investment, investment in precious metals also counts as a capital investment.


Also known as currency investment, forex means currency exchange and comes from the words (For)eign (Ex)change. As it can be understood, forex is an investment instrument based on currencies and can grant the investor great profit with good market analysis skills, correct information.

For forex, the currency you invest on is the most important factor. Currencies with the most reserves in the world are ranked American Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen and Swiss Frank. Deep knowledge about international relationships and good foresight are also critical skills for a forex investor.


Turkey is one of the most active countries in the world in terms of exportation and importation. Logistics sector, with annual high commercial income rates is one of the most ideal areas to invest in Turkey.

Making its mark in the eyes of foreign investors thanks to the developments made in the last 5 years, today, logistics has its finger on the pulse of the country’s commerce ways both by land and by sea. While Turkey has shown a %10 increase in the exportation, exportation rate has been around %20, during the last year.


Turkey’s health sector, which has been exposed to a great deal of changes in the last 10 years, is a focal point for foreign investors. Growing population as a result of fast developing economy, has caused high rates of expenses in the health area. Therefore, interest to health centers, polyclinics and hospitals has grown and this growing potential has caught the attention of the investors.

Foreign investors, especially, have a close interest for Turkey’s health sector as they are able access high quality services for an affordable amount of money. Health sector where the made investment returns very profitable, is one of Turkey’s important sources of income.


Turkey, with historical or natural areas under the protection of UNESCO and numerous beaches with blue flags, is a world famous country in the Tourism area. Turkey, where ten thousands of tourist come by every year, also welcomes just as much as foreigners that come to the country for investment. Tourism sector, growing stronger with local and foreign investors’ support, is one of Turkey’s doors to foreigners with the commerce sector.

Hotels, museums, marinas and the purchased properties make investors very happy both through the vacational purposes and because of the value rates, that go up every passing year. Tourism sector also draws investors through real estate sales in the country, as a result of being in very close relations with the real estate sector.

Real Estate

Real estate investment is the easiest and also the most profitable investment instrument in Turkey, in the long run. With a %150 rate, real estate is the most profitable of all the investment instruments in Turkey. Turkey is at the top of the list for foreign investment, with cities like Istanbul, Bursa, Antalya and Bodrum being the highest in demand. Increasing real estate values, as a result of real estate sector’s getting stronger every passing year, guarantees the return of the property investments made in Turkey to the investor.

The increase rate is %250 on average in the first 5 years of a property investment made in Istanbul. For Bursa’s real estate market, %86 increase rate has been recorded on a 4 year span. While the value increase rate over the last 4 years in Antalya is %65, in Bodrum, a %74,8 increase rate has been recorded over the last 5 years. Property purchased in the real estate market, which is a low risk investment instrument, can be waited on for investment, rented or made use of by the investor himself. Real estate in Turkey, with a very short redemption period, manifests itself at the top of the lists as the investment instrument used most by the foreign investors.

Turkey’s most important city Istanbul, draws investors closer with always increasing value rate in the real estate market. With districts with the shortest redemption periods being Esenyurt and Beylikdüzü, Real Estate Investments made in Istanbul, makes a great deal of profit in a short notice. Istanbul, the first city that comes to the minds of foreign investors when talking about Turkey, with a location merging two continents and an increasing population is an all time leader in the real estate market of Turkey.

After the latest urban transformation, interests have grown higher for Bursa’s real estate market. The districts that catch attention for their short periods of redemption are Nilüfer and Osmangazi. In the ascendant in the real estate market for the last 20 years, Bursa has become one of the most important cities in Turkey’s real estate market.

Over the last year, a %25,12 increase rate has been recorded in Antalya’s real estate values. Among districts with the shortest redemption periods are Lara, Konyaaltı and Kepez. Aside from the urban transformation, also drawing in investors with her beautiful climate, Antalya is a foreign investor favorite.

Vacation paradise, turquoise Bodrum manages to dazzle every investor who lays eyes on her. As one of the premier cities in tourism in Turkey, Bodrum’s real estate market is always on the rise. Among the districts where most of the investment is being made in are Yalıkavak, Gümüşlük and Bitez. A real estate market that hasn’t dropped in value in years and her magnificent sea, makes Bodrum an opportunity that is hard to find for investment.

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