Why Should I Get Citizenship in Turkey?

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Turkey; is a promising country with thousands of years of history, acting as a bridge between the continents of Asia and Europe, and a dynamic population. Turkey provides easy citizenship to foreigners with many advantages. In turn, what are the opportunities that Turkish citizenship provides to you, and what are the ways to obtain them?

What are the Conditions for Obtaining Turkish Citizenship?

First of all, it is necessary to mention the general conditions to obtain Turkish citizenship. Foreigners can obtain Turkish citizenship through marriage, birth, work, and property purchase in Turkey.

The child born from marriage to a Turkish mother gains citizenship by birth. The person born to a Turkish father is obtained after the father officially accepts his child or after the conclusion of the paternity case. To obtain citizenship through marriage, it is necessary to be married to a Turkish citizen for at least three years.

Obtaining citizenship through work and investment is another option. Having a certain amount of money in the bank, buying a property, starting a business, or becoming a partner in Turkey can help you obtain citizenship. 

After you meet the necessary conditions for citizenship, you can benefit from the social, economic, and political rights that Turkish citizenship offers you. Therefore, why do obtain citizenship in Turkey?

What are the Benefits of Obtaining Turkish Citizenship?

Since Turkey is a social rule of law, obtaining Turkish citizenship brings many opportunities. First of all, when you get Turkish citizenship, you can go visa-free to more than 100 countries around the world and obtain online visas and travel permits to 7 countries involving Australia and Oman. Since Turkish citizenship allows you to become a dual citizen, you can continue to have Turkish citizenship even if you are a citizen of another country. If your country of citizenship does not allow dual citizenship, you can continue to reside in Turkey with a blue card.

After obtaining citizenship in Turkey, you can benefit from free health services in public hospitals, and your children can benefit from free education at all levels of education. Once you have obtained citizenship, you can become a member of political parties, form new parties and associations, and vote in political elections.

After obtaining Turkish citizenship, you can start a business both in Turkey and in the other country where you are a citizen. Turkey's position at the point connecting Asia and Europe, having a young and educated population, and being a pioneer in the agriculture and tourism sector makes it easier for you to invest in these areas. In addition, the fact that it is one of the countries where roads, tunnels, bridges, and mega projects are frequently carried out in the world is one of the factors that makes Turkey attractive and privileged.

 Turkey is one of the few countries where dual citizenship can be obtained without restrictions. Turkey can be preferred with its potential young workforce and flexible conditions for foreign capitalists. You can apply for Turkish citizenship to increase your investment margins, benefit from the social rights Turkey offers to its citizens, and enjoy the geographical and historical beauties.

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